The Living Wellness Model

The Living Wellness Model™ 2017-08-23T10:08:16+00:00

Trademarked & Trusted!

I trademarked The Living Wellness Model™ in March 2010, well before wellness became trendy.

Most corporations and individuals settle for surviving rather than thriving.  The Living Wellness Model™ is a suite of tools that I have created and curated to activate your highest potential.  It is what I base my practice on, whether I’m working with a corporation, an individual, a couple or a family.

The model is all encompassing and its main goal is to ensure clients achieve success and wellness seamlessly in all segments of their life. I continually see my long-term clients applying the model 3, 5 and 10 years later!

The Living Wellness Model™ has two programs: the Personal Wellness program and the Corporate Success program. Both programs have “4 C’s”.  Each “C” describes a unique chapter of that program including the measurable goals and the processes required to achieve the outcome. It is very exciting to hear clients refer to the “Cs” as if it was their ticket to success.

Both personal and corporate clients share that they find that each “C” has a unique set of skills and processes required to attain positive outcomes and that all “4 C’s” create the success of the whole.

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